
NaaS is committed to making electric vehicle charging more convenient and faster, with a better experience, and making all parties in the industry chain more efficient

Based on the parking allotment in the parks, grid capacity, types of cars in the area, and the regional heat traffic map, NaaS can provide an overall solution and meet the charging needs of logistics vehicles, buses, passenger cars and taxis in the area, and improve the utilization rate of the distributed capacity and the charging equipment. Using the experiences from the construction and management of NaaS' "Solar Energy Storage and Charging" integrated station, NaaS can improve the utilization rate of clean energy in the parks, accelerate the carbon reduction, and help the construction of a greener and lower-carbon park.

Address diverse charging and electric distribution needs
"Solar Energy Storage and Charging" Integrated solution
Accelerate carbon reduction in the park
Address diverse charging and electric distribution needs
"Solar Energy Storage and Charging" Integrated solution
Accelerate carbon reduction in the park